Does VoLTE increase voice call quality?

According to a recent Engadget post, AT&T set to beat Verizon by deploying high-definition calls over LTE this month: "With so many apps, services and...

MWC 2014: When Is a Tablet Not Just a Tablet?

Having recently spent a few days at MWC, where Altair was inundated with meetings upon meetings with carriers, infrastructure vendors, hardware manufacturers and others, there...


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No Time to Sit Back and Relax

In the hi-tech industry, a major deal can make all the difference for a company. A big manufacturer decides to deploy your chipset, and certain...

Remain Calm At All Times

Normally, we at Altair try to remain calm, even when positive things are happening for us in the market. We have a bunch of industry...

Fine China

You may remember that, when I recently wrote about the state of affairs for LTE in China, I had talked about the intense, large-scale trials...

Around the World in Nine Blog Posts – Post 7 – India

When it comes to LTE, there may be no market as fascinating to observe as India. First, it’s a huge market, and anyone who is...