LTE: Like Water or Not?

When water wants to go somewhere, it normally finds a way to get there. Of course, it receives valuable help from gravity, but that's just...

LTE-A has arrived

According to a new ABI Research report, LTE subscriptions will grow to 411 million (4G LTE) and 22 million (4.5G LTE-Advanced) by the end of...


Keep up to date on the latest industry trends, company updates and product features.

The Hype of IoT

We all know fads are short-lived, and while some become mainstream, others don't necessarily succeed. For example, Crocs, the foam clog company, burst onto the...

History Is On Our Side

Ever since the days of Noah, and particularly in modern times through the Industrial Revolution, Field of Dreams and the Internet, the concept of "If...

Will Samsung be first to launch a truly smartwatch?

Six months ago, I wrote a piece on smartwatches.  In it, I argued that "Today’s devices are essentially sophisticated smartphone accessories...With the exception of some experimental...

These SmartWatches Better Sell

Motorola's highly anticipated 360 is not the only Android smartwatch set to be released this year. LG is launching its own Android smartwatch, G Watch....

Where, Oh Where Can Wearables Go?

I recently read an article about Google "Glass" going commercial. Now, we can debate the pros and cons of people walking around, concentrating more on...

Does VoLTE increase voice call quality?

According to a recent Engadget post, AT&T set to beat Verizon by deploying high-definition calls over LTE this month: "With so many apps, services and...